Bridget Blasius MA

Psychotherapist - ( at Willow Tree Counseling Services, LLC)

The foundation of my therapy is to create a safe, non-judgemental space for the client to discover their inherent wisdom and healing potential. The relationships I build with clients are based on empathy and respect for the client’s unique process. The human self is not a static entity. We are always unfolding and becoming, in each moment.

Sometimes, trauma cuts us off from this process of unfolding. Many of us have learned maladaptive coping strategies in response to traumatic environments. Later in life, this may lead us to become “stuck” in self-destructive habits or unhealthy relationships. We may hold trauma in the body, which keeps us constricted and disconnected from the world around us.

I focus on empowering clients to break out of those patterns and live fuller lives.

I help clients develop skills to manage overwhelming emotions, through mindfulness, self-care and nurturing connections with others. My goal is not just to provide tools for clients to manage problems, but rather, to help them develop an internal sense of strength and resiliency.

My primary focus, in therapy, is on the here-and-now. I use techniques of mindfulness and body awareness to deepen understanding of emotions, and how they affect human connection in the present moment. I also teach meditation practices for relaxation and anxiety management. These may include breathing and visualization exercises. I work with clients to discover meditation practices that suit their unique needs.

I have a background in both Transpersonal and Existential psychotherapy. I support the client’s freedom to find their own source of meaning in their lives. I honor each client’s unique spiritual path, and create safe space for diverse religious traditions. I collaborate with clients to create their own rituals to honor life transitions, empower themselves, process grief and move beyond trauma. I have a real passion for exploring dreams with clients, drawing influence from both Gestalt and Jungian dream work.

I specialize in working with the LGBT and Poly community. I work with individuals of all genders and sexual orientations.


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