Kacee Markarian M

Psychotherapist - ( at Queerapy)

Therapy is a process. It is a living and breathing evolution in understanding. And self-discovery is both the journey and the destination.

Curiosity about yourself, and the desire to understand the way your world works, is the jumping-off point. What is your primary way of knowing what you know? What are your defenses and where do they come from? What is your range of emotions and how do they serve you? What drives you, and what holds you back?

Heightening our own awareness of our intentions, our triggers, assumptions we make, and patterns we repeat, gives us a keener sense of our strengths, limitations, and purpose. Change is a constant in the universe-at-large and in our personal sets of circumstances. In asking (and answering) these questions of ourselves, we develop our own unique set of tools to adapt, cope, heal and thrive. (What we are conscious of, we control. What we are unconscious of controls us. - Anonymous)

My areas of special focus include sex workers, alternative sexuality and gender, polyamorous lifestyles, body image, and personal and family relationships. The space we will create together will be one of non-judgment and unconditional understanding. And you will set the direction, pace and boundaries of our conversation.

So, whenever you are ready, come on in. Have a seat. I am looking forward to knowing you.

Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Intern, IMF 70302.

Supervised by Gail Sher, MFT, MFC 27514 - Does online consultation - Does phone consultation


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