Peter Jabin

M.Div., LMHCA - ( at Jabin Counseling)

Pastoral Psychotherapy / Psychotherapy of Individuals on a Spiritual Path

Master of Divinity, University of Chicago; Certification from The Center for Religion & Psychotherapy of Chicago

LMHCA, WA State, License # MC 60293349

I work from psychodynamic and depth psychology perspectives primarily with adults and elders, specializing in the areas anxiety & depression, LGBT issues, and recovery from addiction.

I have spent my career in LGBTQ Community & Mental Health and AIDS Services in Chicago and Seattle. I have a non-judgmental approach to my clients lifestyle and relationship choices. The question is not good or bad, but rather how their choices work or do not work for their lives.

I am particularly interested in the integration of psychology and spirituality. I welcome consideration of my clients spiritual experience and religious history as part of the work. I am open to many ways of understanding this level of experience and I have no expectation that clients hold any particular faith perspective or, for that matter, any whatsoever.


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