Michon Neal

Writer, Speaker, Educator, Sensitivity Editor - ( at The Cuil Effect Project / Postmodern Woman)

I am personally a minority of minorities so the subject matter I teach and write about applies directly to the ways I experience the world. I am uniquely situated as an expert on the intersections of race, sexuality, kink, poverty, gender identity, aromanticism, bdsm, disability, and so many others. I have also studied sexuality and relationships in various disciplines on my own and through Brain and Mind Studies. I myself am sexually-variant, Black with Cherokee and Irish blood, demisexual, kinky, autistic, invisibly disabled, aromantic, genderqueer, and more.

If you’d like an article or consult, my rate is $100 per session/article.

Additionally, I offer various courses/classes to universities, conventions, and other events: ranging from Intersectional Non-Monogamy to How to Write Cuil Fiction to The Sexual Spectrum. See my speaker page for available courses. I’ll consider discounts for marginalized populations but my average honorarium is $3500 (not including travel and expenses).

In addition to the website above, I am also online at http://michonneal.com/ and http://cuileffect.com


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