Cora Bilsker

Registered Social Worker #11675 BCCSW - ( at Nested Heart Counselling)

I am passionate about empathetic listening. Meaning I am going to listen to you with my heart and without judgement. My goal is for us to create a space together where you feel safe to explore what is weighing you down, and I can facilitate your inherent ability to create the life you want. I believe you are the expert of your reality and that your experience of life is unique and valuable.

This is not the only area I work in, as the things we struggle with are rarely that simple and organized. I can assist you with personal growth, depression, self-esteem struggles, and more. We can also meet for a free 30 minute consultation before deciding to work together. Currently I practice in Victoria and Vancouver, please see my website for further information such as my schedule and office locations. I can also meet with you on Skype video calls.

228-1175 COOT ST., VICTORIA, BC V8V 4A1 / #533 - 550 W. BROADWAY, VANCOUVER, BC V5Z 0E9

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