Jaxx A. Alutalica MA NCC LMFT

Gender, Sexuality and Sex Therapy - ( at Entwine Therapy)
Masters Degree in Couples and Family Counseling, Nationally Certified Counselor, Registered Psychotherapist, Marriage and Family Therapist Candidate, supervised by Lori Lund LMFT
As a therapist, I am highly versed in working with many different polyamorous dynamics and relationship constellations. Particular specializations of mine include working with polyamory in the LGBTQIA populations, BDSM and kink identities, and developing strong, sex positive, healthy relationships. I specialize in working with Gender, Sexuality, and Sex Therapy with individuals, relationships, and families. Entwine Therapy is founded on the idea that all aspects of our lives are connected. When we are stunted or limited in one space of life, we cannot truly express ourselves in the other places, hindering us from being the most authentic version of ourselves. Equally, finding full expression and growth in challenging areas of life creates a network of personal development in other avenues. At Entwine Therapy, I focus on facilitating growth for individuals and relationships so they can gain a greater sense of equilibrium and excellence in their lives. I am dedicated to helping you build strong relationships with yourself and others, and healing fractures in healthy development that hinder achieving your own excellence. I believe that every individual’s story is unique and valuable. You are choosing to take brave step in the direction of your own growth!


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