Roger Libby

AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Couples Counselor - ( at Dr. Roger Libby, PLLC)
I have a Ph.D. in sociology and social psychology, and a post-doctoral fellowship. I am a licensed mental health counselor in Washington State.
I am an AASECT certified sex therapist, and a clinical sexologist. I am also a sex educator and a sex researcher. I am widely published, including pioneer books such as Marriage and Alternatives, Sexual Choices and Renovating Marriage. I am also a couples counselor, and I see both couples and individuals. When a poly relationship is the focus, I see more than a couple if appropriate. I see ages from teenagers (I am the author of The Naked Truth about Sex for teenagers) through senior citizens of all sexual orientations. I deal with all sexual and relationship problems, including jealousy, envy and related issues. I am a cognitive behavioral therapist, and I give homework and home-play. I am nationally and internationally known for my work with non-monogamy, and I also am known for humor in my work, and I am the author of an illustrated humor book, Sex from Aah to Zipper.


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