Dana McNeil MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - ( at The Relationship Place)
CA License Number LMFT 99008

Are you nervous about the process of couples or individual therapy? Have you heard that therapy is hard or painful? Maybe it makes you uncomfortable to let a stranger into your world because you fear you will be judged or branded as the person who has caused all of the problems in the relationship.

Let me assure you that I am a genuine person, and I want our time together to feel like you are having a conversation with a trusted confidant. My job is to make you feel comfortable, supported and safe so we can figure out together how to make your relationship better. I have no agenda or desire to figure who is wrong in the relationship. Blame doesn’t create good outcomes, so we won’t even go there.

My style of therapy is very much like my personality: down to earth, humble, funny, slightly sarcastic, direct, and blunt in a loving way. I have a sense of humor about myself, and I encourage my clients to adopt the same attitude. I hope you come away with the feeling I am really invested in you. Telling me your thoughts and feeling won’t scare me, surprise me or make me judge you.

My office is a place to find support, empathy, and outside-of-the-box ways of thinking about problems. I have extensive experience with couples who are working through addiction recovery, want pre-marital counseling, and/or are LGBTQIA identified. I also love working with couples and individuals who struggle with being people pleasers and find it difficult to ask for their needs in relationships.

I am incredibly enthusiastic and tend to be an overachiever working with clients who are motivated and open to change. I’ve invested in the highest level of training because I truly want your relationship to be a success. I have some great tools I can share with you to get your conversations moving in a new direction.

Gottman level 3 trained, domestic violence trainer, substance abuse, addictions, and trauma. (CV on website if needed). Works with LBGTQIA, poly-affirming, couples and individuals.

2729 4TH AVE. SUITE 2 SAN DIEGO, CA 92103

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