Delsie Jack

Registered Social Worker - ( at Ebb and Flow Counselling)
I graduated from the University of New Brunswick with my BA in Psychology and from the University of Manitoba with my bachelor of social work. I have been registered with the Manitoba College of Social Workers since 2012 (#2066)

I am a private counselor specializing in working with adult and youth populations both individual and couples. I work with people on a variety of issues such as anxiety, depression, self esteem, career, life coaching, sexuality, effective communication and problem solving. I am a proud member of the LBGTTQ+ community and practice in a manner that is sex positive and poly friendly. These sensitive topics are so very important to be able to talk about in counseling and are a integral part of our holistic experience. Thompson is a very small place and not a easy place to live if you are different. My practice offers a comfortable, relaxed and friendly atmosphere for people to begin working on themselves.

I am registered as a counselor with Blue Cross, Canada Employee Assistance Program, and Manitoba Civil Service.


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