Mia Fine MS, LMFT, CST

AASECT Certified Sex Therapist; Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - ( at Mia Fine Therapy)
MFT License: LF60792911; NPI: 08282015918395
Mia (they/she) is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in both private practice (Mia Fine Therapy, PLLC) and group practice (PNW Sex Therapy Collective). Operating from the lenses of Queer Theory, Intersectionality, and Social Justice, Mia works with clients navigating eroticism, intimacy, sexual health concerns, kink, LGBTQIA+ genders and sexualities, and non-monogamous relationships. They are on the Board of Directors for Pan Eros and are a Consent Advocate passionately encouraging both consent and education from the individual level to the systemic. Mia is an adjunct professor at Antioch University and Institute for Sexuality, Education, and Enlightenment (ISEE). Mia presents at national and local conferences and facilitates continuing education for upcoming sex therapists, educators, and counselors.


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