Erica Oberhand Psy D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist
11/2015-Present: NY State License Number 021451; 8/2007-7/2013: Doctor of Clinical Psychology, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago IL

I serve polyamorous, consensually non-monogamous, LGBTQ+, and BDSM communities, as well as people in mixed-orientation relationships. In a safe, supportive environment, I can help you explore your identity, improve communication and connection with your partner(s), navigate challenges or changes, cope with minority stress, or address a variety of other matters (e.g. parenting, ADHD, trauma, anxiety). I provide therapy for youth and adults across the lifespan, as well as for couples/intimate partner(s), and families.

Based on your unique circumstances and goals, I will draw from psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, family/systems, or client-centered approaches. Regardless of the approach, certain elements will always be present, as I believe they’re fundamental to health and healing:

  • Resiliency: Trusting in your innate capacity to heal and thrive. Enhancing factors that boost resilience.

  • Intersectionality: Consideration of how societal and personal factors interact to affect lived experience.

  • Trauma-informed care: Sensitivity to the ways you’ve learned to get by. Prioritizing your sense of safety and control.

323 W. 96TH ST., SUITE 2, NEW YORK, NY 10025, USA

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