Heather Hembree

Marriage and Family Intern - ( at All Inclusive Counseling, Inc.)
Supervisor: Leilani Keator, Colorado MFT 913

I specialize in working with LGBTQIA couples and families. I work with families and individuals of all ages. I believe that families come in all shapes, sizes, and configurations and honor each client’s right to define their own family structure.

I specialize in concerns and distress around sexual orientation, sexual expression, and sexual desire. I am a sex-positive therapist that is supportive of all forms of consensual sexual activity and a variety of alternative lifestyles. I also have extensive knowledge about nonmonogamous lifestyles, am poly-friendly, and kink aware. I will assist you in creating securely attached and intimate relationships, learning clear communication strategies, and developing healthy relationship agreements that meet your personal relationship needs.

I specialize in addressing concerns and distress regarding gender identity. I believe that gender expression is a spectrum and understand that many people do not fit into the binary understanding of gender. I can assist families in understanding the developmental issues surrounding gender expression, assist parents in processing their own reactions to their child’s gender expressions, and strive to promote family support, providing referrals and education about treatment options for people that present with gender dysphoria. I also assist adults in exploring their own gender identity, promote authentic gender expression, and can support clients who desire to seek medical transition.


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