Jo-Ann Bird Ph.D., LMHC, NCC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor - ( at The Love Birds)

We are Board Certified Clinical Sexologists and Relationship Experts. We help couples, like you, discover more connection and passion in their relationships. The couples we work with want to enhance their relationship by improving their communication, intimacy, sexual function, and/or sexual expression. We coach/counsel couples together which offers a unique and balanced male/female perspective and a combined coaching/therapy approach to helping our clients with a variety of relationship and sexual issues/concerns. Due to our last name and the work we do, we have become known as The Love Birds(tm).

As a happily married couple, in addition to our advanced education and training in relationship and sexuality issues, our knowledge of relationships also comes from true, real-life experience. We have over 13 + years of personal experience in a healthy, loving and successful relationship. We know how to solve problems and work through difficulties that couples may face on a daily basis. We know ways to keep relationships strong and healthy. We offer you tools and strategies that can make positive changes in your relationship. - Does phone consultation

8019 N. HIMES AVE., STE. 311, TAMPA, FL, 33614, US

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