Elona Landau

Coach, facilitator, strategist - ( at Department of Practical Sunshine.)
Education; Transformation Life Coach; Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education; Yoga Alliance 200hr Teacher Certification; Trauma Informed Oregon; Multnomah County Assertive Engagement; YWCA Microaggressions and Implicit Bias; B.A. English, Vassar College

I believe that everyone is doing the best they can, with the tools they have, in the given moment. Sometimes, that means things are going great! Feeling grounded, centered and content. Other times, things are…well…not-so-great.

Perhaps you’re feeling stuck and need help figuring out your goals. Maybe you’ve been putting off an important conversation, or your home or work life feels unbalanced and disorganized. It may be that you want to change (or change has come to you) and you - or you and your partner(s) - could use some help figuring out what’s next.

The Department of Practical Sunshine provides coaching, facilitation and strategy services with the goal of helping people solve problems and develop plans for growth and evolution. As a certified sexuality educator and transformation life coach, I welcome the opportunity to support those in the poly community and bring an understanding of some of the unique challenges and opportunities that being in the community can bring! My approach is warm, open and goal-oriented, and I offer a free 15 minute consultation to make sure we’re a good fit.

Coaching services include: Career + Life; Purpose + Motivation; Wellness + Sexuality; Communication; Yoga + Embodiment.

Facilitation services include: Difficult Conversations; Partner Alignment; Accountability; Conflict Management; Workshops + Trainings.

Strategy services include: Projects + Goals; Time + Task Management; Efficiency + Productivity; Workplace Wellness; Home Organization.

3439 NE SANDY BLVD., #633, PORTLAND, OR 97213 USA

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