Jaxx Alutalica

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist - ( at Chosen Family Therapy)
BA in Psychology from the University of Northern CO, MA in Clinical Counseling from the University of Northern Colorado, current PhD student in Human Sexuality at the California Institute for Integral Studies, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, California Marriage and Family Therapist #124099
Jaxx Alutalica (they/them) is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist with extensive experience working with poly relationship systems and the individuals in them. In addition to understanding the nuances of non-monogamy, they also specialize in working with BDSM/kink, gender identity exploration and gender transition, folx engaged presently or formerly in sex work, those healing from sexual trauma, and navigating issues of sex and sexuality with oneself and others. Jaxx engages with therapy through a trauma-informed lens that incorporates the experience of the body as well as the mind and spirit in order to facilitate healing of the whole self. Therapy with Jaxx is informed by a social and sexual justice perspective, incorporating somatic and holistic approaches to create a safe space for you to explore the impact of privilege, colonization, sexism, homophobia, fatphobia, transphobia, racism, ableism and other “isms” which impact our experience. For Jaxx, being a therapist is about connecting with people in ways that are vulnerable, honest, and genuine. Jaxx’s approach is body-focused, experiential, and research-informed. They utilize an intersectional approach to their work, which considers that our identities affect the way we show up in our personal lives and in relationships. By continually considering topics of gender, sexuality, race, class, faith, disability, and other intersectional identities, Jaxx’s clients are able to bring their whole selves into therapy without fear of judgment or restriction.


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