Poe Liberado

Psychotherapist, Social Worker - ( at Hive Counselling And Consultancy)
Registered in BC as a Registered Social Worker BCCSW #14047; Registered in ON as a Registered Social Worker OCSWSSW #828432; Clinical supervisor Amanada Mays, MCM Collaborative, amanada@mcmcollab.com

Are you different? So am I. I specialize in working with people who break the mold. Focusing on resiliency and emotional intelligence, I use evidence-based practices and creative interventions to use the wounds of the past as seeds for growth.

As a genderqueer person with ADHD, I am is particularly passionate about supporting neuro-diverse folks, queer and trans people, and racialized people to thrive in their purpose, and their social, emotional and sexual relationships.


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