Deacon Simon

Vortex Energy Healer - - ( at Transformational Healing With Simon)

VortexHealing® - www.vortexhealing.org - works with Divine Healing Energy, Magic, and Divine Consciousness.

Vortex Healing is similar to Reiki where divine healing energy is channeled through a person into the receiver. Vortex Healing becomes different however because it also works directly from divine consciousness. Divine Consciousness is the highest healing vibration you can ever experience. It literally heals and transforms the illusion of separation from the Divine. Any disharmony or trauma within your system; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and even karmic can be healed on its deepest level. During a session you receive very sophisticated VortexHealing® techniques coming from many divine energetic levels and frequencies simultaneously. Frequencies range from the very light and gentle to the tremendously deep and intense. This works with the rule that there are many levels and dimensions to our consciousness. These levels contain the deepest and hardest to reach levels of negative conditioning. VortexHealing® reaches ALL these levels!

Release of these blockages promotes the greatest acceleration of change and transformation. A few VortexHealing® sessions equal the amount of healing work that may take months or even years to accomplish with other therapies. I say with the utmost confidence that when you walk out of one of my sessions you will leave a transformed soul. - Does phone consultation

114 CHRISTOPHER ST. #32, NEW YORK, NY, 10014, US

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