Judi Addelston Ph.D., LMFT


Ph.D. in Social/Personality Psychology

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - LMFT

Florida License MT2155

Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Internal Family Systems Therapist; I see individuals, couples, and families. I work primarily with adults age 16 and older. I use the most current evidence-based treatment modalities. These include, but are not limited to IFS (Internal Family Systems), client-centered therapy, family therapy, and neuro-psychotherapy (guided imagery, meditation, etc.)

Specialties include: Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Family of Origin Issues; Identity and personal growth; Life events and changes; Couples and Family Counseling; Polyamorous Relationships; Lifestyle Issues; LGBTQI; Gender and Sexual Identity; Transgender and Transsexual Issues; Alcohol/Drug/Sex Addiction and Recovery; Divorce; Infidelity; Trust and Betrayal; Depression and Anxiety.

I am a Certified Internal Family Systems therapist. Internal Family Systems offers a collaborative therapeutic environment that honors each clients unique and intuitive wisdom. The IFS model of therapy offers a clear, non-pathological, and empowering understanding of human issues. The goal of therapy is Self-Leadership. Through the guidance of the therapist, the client is able to unload extreme beliefs and emotions that burden their lives, allowing their own Self-Led transformation. Once these burdens have been lifted, you will experience more energy and vitality for life. More information about Internal Family Systems is available at http://www.selfleadership.org/


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