Liam Snowdon

Sexologist, Sexological Bodyworker - ( at Elemental Sexology)

Healing and celebrating our sexual selves is a vital part of our human journey. Elemental Sexology will help you explore your desires, discover the tools to create a pleasure-enriched life and move from a shame based reality to a pleasure based reality. Experience the freedom of a reclaimed sexual self, an embodied existence, and the infinite possibilities of expanding your relationships with self and others.

Elemental Sexology assists folks on their personal gender and sexuality journeys. There is much to learn and share to become wholly who we are and do our unique work in the world.

Elemental Sexology offers workshops on a variety of issues including gender, disability, pleasure enrichment, changing your relationships to porn, sacred sexuality, erotic embodiment and deepening desire.

We provide professional consultations to schools, nonprofits and other allied professionals on gender and sexuality issues. From here your world unfolds!

Extensive Experience working with poly, kinky and other folks with expansive love and desire styles - Does online consultation - Does phone consultation


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