Marissa Robie


I'm a friendly, responsible, and college-educated childcare professional. I speak English, American Sign Language, and German and I have enough experience with Cued Speech to get by. I've been working with children from newborn to teens for over ten years. I believe that love makes a family, and I enjoy working with families of all sorts. I am also open to working with special needs children. I maintain my First Aid and Adult, Infant, and Child certifications and I believe in participating in a variety of different professional development classes to keep current on best practices and get new suggestions and ideas on how best to work with children.

As a professional, I believe it's important for me to stay engaged with the children I work with. I like to do a lot of hands on activities and spend active time outdoors instead of simply plopping a child in front of a tv screen or a video game. I also think it's important to provide children with healthy meals and snacks and help them learn how to make good choices so that they can grow up to become healthy, happy adults. When I become a part of a child's life, I feel that requires a commitment on my part to be there for that child for many years in the future, whether or not I continue to work with that child professionally. I think it is important for children to know that they are cared for and loved beyond any fees that their parents may pay me for working with them. I want them to have as much stability as possible and be able to trust that I won't just disappear one day out of the blue, never to be seen again.


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