Reece Malone DHS, MPH

Clinical Sexologist - ( at Reece Malone)

Sexuality is one of the core components of human existence. Human sexuality embraces our identity, mind, body, gender and attractions. Our sexuality is guided and influenced by our relationships, culture, awareness, values and spirit, and can shift and evolve at any given time.

Many of us have unaddressed sexual questions and concerns. For some, these questions are simply too uncomfortable or embarassing to explore. For others, their concerns are overshadowed by negative messages that have created shame, fear and guilt. These, compounded by the many issues we face in our daily lives - work, school, children, relationship conflicts, stress, social pressures, etc. have created barriers to having a healthy sexuality.

Your sexuality and sexual health is a priority. Together we will work to resolve your concerns, have your questions answered, and enrich your sexual and intimacy experiences.


  • Sexuality counselling and intimacy/sex coaching
  • Broadening sexual capacity and sexual enhancement
  • Sexuality and comprehensive sex education
  • Professional consultancy, health promotion, public health


  • Sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Family dynamics
  • BDSM, Kink and Leather
  • Sex and injury, illness and disability
  • Sex and ageing
  • Sexual enrichment and enhancement
  • Non monogamy and polyamory - Does online consultation - Does phone consultation


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