Damon L. Jacobs LMFT

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist - ( at Damon L. Jacobs, LMFT)

My name is Damon L. Jacobs, and I help couples and individuals live with fulfillment, joy, fun, and serenity. After 15 years of working with poly/open couples, I have found certain tools and techniques that can help people navigate some of the challenges and difficulties that can accompany these relationships. I now offer sessions and talks in New York that promote information and empowerment for people in these arrangements.

Individuals who share love and affection with more than one person are uniquely positioned to experience deeper levels of pleasure and satisfaction in all relationships. But without certain principles they may often flounder and become frustrated and disappointed. These five tools will offer ideas/concrete steps that participants can immediately implement in order to gain more satisfaction and fulfillment in their relationships. Clients learn how to:

  • Improve rational communication that promotes respect, integrity, and efficacy in interpersonal relationships with multiple partners.
  • Learn the value of staying present and ways to maintain here-and- now focus.
  • Explore impact of "drama" in increasing frustrations and resentments.
  • Gain tools for managing and inevitable insecurities that arise in poly relationships.
  • Maintain responsibility for one's own emotional wellness and state of serenity in relationships.

I have consistently received positive feedback about the value of these tools from the participants in my talks, as well as my private pratice couples. So please, feel free to email or call if you would like the tools and support for making YOUR relationships happier, healthier, and more fulfilling.

1133 BROADWAY SUITE 1103, NEW YORK, NY, 10010, US

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