Sofia Jamison MA

Imago Relationship Coaching & Soul-centered Counsel - ( at Peace Full Living)

I have a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, am a Certified Imago Relationship Community Educator and a certified Hypnotherapist. I do Relationship Coaching and Soul-centered counseling.

Having been through a separation/near-divorce and my own personal struggles in relationships, I have walked the path of pain and confusion that can happen with people we love. Using Imago Therapy and other techniques my husband and I were able to transform our relationship and deepen our intimacy to create an even better partnership than we thought possible. I really feel passionately about helping other couples do the same, whether they are monogamous, polyamorous or anything in between. Sometimes it’s also about learning how to separate from one another consciously and to co-parent or to remain respectful friends.

I work from a lovely professional office in Sellwood, SE Portland, Oregon but also offer Skype sessions. I do offer a free 30' consultation for anyone interested in learning more about my work. - Does phone consultation

1616 SE BYBEE, PORTLAND, OR, 97202, US

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