Kris Leinhos MA, TLLP

Psychotherapist - ( at Mindful Improvement)

I completed my Masters thesis as “Discrimination of BDSM Identified Individuals in a Therepeutic Setting.” I am kink friendly, kink aware, and open-minded. If you are looking for a therapist who will treat YOU and not your lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place!

The human mind is an amazing thing! Not so long ago, scientists and other medical experts believed that once damaged, the brain could not heal. We now know that is not true. We also have a better understanding of how the brain stores information, including past trauma, and how it is able to heal itself. The mind and body are intrinsically connected. Traumatic injury to the body and psyche are stored in the mind, and if the trauma is unprocessed, the mind replays the trauma over and over again, expecting or hoping for a new result.

I am experienced in helping clients to process sexual issues, trauma, PTSD, and personality disorders. I am certified in EMDR, which engages the brain’s hippocampus where trauma is processed. It sometimes results in shorter therapy. Overall, I utilize an eclectic approach to help you become a stronger, healthier you. - Does online consultation

4086 ROCHESTER RD., SUITE 101, TROY, MI, 48085, US

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