Kathy McMahon Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist - ( at Berkshires Sex Therapy & Couples Counseling)
Senior psychologist and board-certified as a Diplomate in Sex Therapy and educator by AASECT (30+ years); Licensed Psychologist AZ #4914; Licensed Psychologist CA #29205; Licensed Psychologist FL # PY9884; Licensed Psychologist MA # 5036
Four hours from Manhattan on the foothills of the Berkshires. Offers help with sex and relationship problems of all types. Couples only. Experienced in exclusivity-to-poly and poly-to-exclusivity couples’ transitions. Devoted to helping people realize their true passions in an accepting environment. Private Intensive Couples Retreats are offered for those who live a distance from Cummington, and don’t want to commute for weekly sessions. Many couples find that they are able to make more progress with intensives, because they have the time and emotional space to focus on the complexity and uniqueness of their relationship, away from the daily pressures of modern life. They not only resolve problematic dynamics but also learn new ways of relating to each other. exploring their deeper values and life goals. Work occurs in a rural, tranquil setting and includes one weekend including a Friday evening 2 hour meeting and 2 days 9:30-4:30 pm. While the majority of time in these sessions will be spent meeting with you as a couple, I also schedule to meet with each of you individually for some of that time. The goal of this “intimate relationship get-a-ways” is to assess and improve the dynamics that has brought you into therapy. Clients including sex therapy will explore their sexual styles and how these styles interact to enhance or detract from a satisfying sexual relationship. In addition, we’ll cover skills that will help you achieve specific goals to resolve your relationship issues. As a result of this weekend, you may feel a sense of relief about the opportunity to move through stuck interaction and into a better way of getting along. Follow-up sessions are four hours long with a 30 minute break after two hours. Allow 4.5 hours total. - Does online consultation.


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